Grieving Together: Tips for Reestablishing Connections with Distant Relatives during a Time of Loss

In our modern era of smartphones and social media, maintaining connections with our loved ones has never been more convenient, whether they’re just a short drive away or living on the opposite side of the world. Yet, despite the advantages of these technological marvels, the complexities of life often lead us to drift apart from …


Intimacy between two people primarily depends on their compatibility. It doesn’t only come in physical but also emotional, mental, spiritual, and psychological, as well as spiritual, chemical, and even biological forms. Therefore, romances need to foster all these forms of intimacy to help them grow into healthy relationships. Intimacy is a state of mind that …

6 Tips on How to Keep the Conversation Interesting on a Date

Going on a first date can be exhilarating and anxiety-inducing, simultaneously. Meeting a potential partner for the first time can be overwhelming, and being prepared to show the best side of yourself at the first meeting is key to having a good first date. Some first dates are challenging and unpleasant, while others are exciting …

Unique Problems in Same-Sex Divorces

The terms “gay marriage” and “same-sex marriage” refer to any marriage between two people of the same sex. Same-sex marriage is currently legal in 37 states. In 2015, the United States Supreme Court struck down the federal DOMA or Defense of Marriage Act that defines marriage as a lawful union between one woman and one …

How to Nurture Your Relationships

Relationships are an important part of life and the foundation of society. Relationships allow us to share thoughts and ideas, engage with other people, and grow through combined experiences. The relationships that thrive are those that are based on trust, understanding, and appreciation. However, when relationships are strained, they tend to spiral downward. This can …

How to Lessen Your Divorce Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common mental conditions in the world, and divorce is one of the most stressful life events. The divorce process can be emotionally, physically, and financially draining, and for some people, the thought of going through this process can bring on crippling anxiety. In fact, reducing stress and anxiety is …